January 29, 2009


I've started a blog as a way to immerse myself in the things I really love during a time in my life when I spend my days at a mind-numbing desk job, the essential purpose of which is to earn health insurance for my family. While my days are spent in creative exile, I find my evenings and weekends increasingly crowded with all the other things that give me life - reading, writing, hiking, knitting, cooking, mothering, wifing, friending. This blog will hopefully grow the writing aspect while incorporating and encouraging all the others.

The title refers to the words of St. Paul that say, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." In my experience, all of life, and especially all of the creative life, is about peering through that dim glass of our human experience, trying to make sense of the light behind it. It's what I do every day.

Just a bit about how this blog will be focused - I'm going to try for three posts a week. One post will address what I'm currently consuming creatively - music, film, book, art, etc. The topic won't necessarily be a review of a new piece of art, but a reflection on whatever I'm presently taking in. One post will address what I'm putting out creatively - and that may be anything from a piece of my own writing to whatever I'm knitting at the moment to a new recipe I tried. The final post will be reserved for whatever miscellaneous topic I'm inspired to write about during the week. I welcome comments on all posts, as I firmly believe that art is a dialogue between the creator and the audience, and that the dialogue is what brings art to life beyond what the creator could have imagined.

So thanks for reading, and I hope you continue.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good M&M! Looking forward to reading more. Rob
